BNK TO THE FUTURE (Company Number CO-296093) Incorporated and registered in Cayman Islands under the Companies Law 2013. BNK TO THE FUTURE is registered with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA Licence No. 1189274).
BNK To The FUTURE (HK) Limited (Company Number 2205217) is the sister Company Incorporated and registered in Hong Kong under the Companies Bill 2011. This website (trading name is operated by BNK TO THE FUTURE.
In August 2012 also had the public pages of our website approved as a financial promotion by an FCA authorised firm. During the course of our application and in order to receive the financial promotion approval we were required to have all information on the public pages of our website legally verified, we went through a rigorous, detailed verification and due diligence process before we received our financial promotions approval for the public pages of our website. The financial promotion approval for the public pages of our website was approved by a top 20 audit & accountancy firm Crowe Clark Whitehill.
We take your trust very seriously.