Due to regulatory restrictions, Bnk To The Future can only accept High Net Worth accredited investors. Under US law, accredited investors can be composed of High Net Worth, High Income or Sophisticated categories. The latter two are, however, not acceptable under Cayman Islands requirements.
Currently, we have had to reject accredited investor letters from verifyinvestor.com that state only that you are an accredited investor and do not specify that you are a High Net Worth (HNW) individual.
Below is a step-by-step instruction on how to generate acceptable investor letters using the verifyinvestor.com platform that will allow you to be certified using this service. We will require screenshots to accompany the letter demonstrating that you have logged in and showing that you have chosen the HNW option.
Step 1 – Select the option of individual net worth, or joint net worth exceeding $1,000,000.
Step 2 – When you have finished completing your details, please take screenshots of the following page.
(Please ensure that your name is displayed in the top right corner in your screenshot demonstrating that you are logged in with your own account.)
Note: Please make sure to show your net worth calculation here (1) and please take a desktop screenshot so we can see the date and time (2).
Step 3 – When your request has been reviewed by VerifyInvestor, you should get a letter on your dashboard.
Step 4 – Now you are ready to complete your BnkToTheFuture HNW Certification. Please upload the accreditation letter as well as the screenshots of the process mentioned in Step 2. Our compliance team will then be able to review and approve your session as soon as possible.